Top 10k strings from Robot Riot (1983)(Silversoft).tzx
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3 INTELLIGENCE:Medium 3 INTELLIGENCE:Low 3 EFFECT OF CONTACT: Total destruction of the BOMBER unit. 2 ;"=><<+ ";fl: 1 {$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ 1 w$="opstwtstwx opz!stwx qruvuvuvuy qr""#uvuy": 1 n$="SILVERSOFT Patrick Richmond 1983 " 1 d(x);b$(x);" ";a$(x): 1 b$(x)="PJR": 1 a$(x)="00000000": 1 You must collect these to main -tain the BOMBER'S power supply. 1 You are the security officer of the ACME ROBOT MANUFACTURING CO.During the transportation of several units a rogue KING robottook control of the CENTRAL OPERATIONS room, all other ROBOT UNITS and the FIRE DOORS. 1 YOU HAVE ONE OF TODAYS GREATEST"; 1 When you have completely laid a floor with bombs,your time indicator begins to drop,and thebombs tick.Also the KING leaves the central room in panic and heads for the NEXT FLOOR. You must get into this centralroom now, avoiding the other robots. 1 The robots are moving freely throughout the many floors of the building,and the only optionavailable is to destroy them. Your mission is to take control of the BOMBER UNIT,and use it tolay each floor with bombs. 1 The POWER of the BOMBER unit is indicated by a meter at the top of the screen.You must keep up the BOMBER'S power by collectingPOWER MITES. 1 TYPE YOUR INITIALS 1 SPECIAL BOMB LAYING UNIT UNDER YOUR CONTROL. 1 RR f 1 ROBOT RIOT"; 1 NAME:Thumper- (Flattening unit) 1 NAME:Smiler 1 NAME:Power Mite 1 NAME:Bomber 1 NAME:Axer (Tree felling unit) 1 KEY CONTROLS 1 INTELLIGENCE:User dependent 1 INTELLIGENCE:High - its special tracking circuits can lock on to the BOMBER'S position. 1 Failure to reach the central room before the time reachs ZEROmeans instant DESTRUCTION.But ifyou are successful you will progress to the next floor. 1 Each floor has several FIRE DOORS which may open or close atany instant. The robots have different effects on collision with the BOMBER. 1 EFFECT OF CONTACT:Loss of all bombs so far laid,unless count - down has begun.10 seconds of your COUNT DOWN TIME is also lost - should you allow the timeto reach zero due to repeated collisions with the POD,INSTANT IGNITION of the BOMBS occurs. 1 EFFECT OF CONTACT:Destruction. 1 EFFECT OF CONTACT:Causes a temp-orary energy drain in the BOMBERUNIT,and immobilises it for a number of seconds. 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"_______________" 1 ;"UP : K"; 1 ;"This file gives brief details ofthe robots including SPEED ( 1 -being slow,3 -being fast),and also EFFECT OF CONTACT which outlines what happens if the BOMBER unit collides with this particular robot." 1 ;"TODAY'S GREATEST SCORES" 1 ;"SILVERSOFT 1983 1 ;"S TO PLAY THE GAME "; 1 ;"ROBOTS......": 1 ;"ROBOT INFO FILE" 1 ;"RIGHT : X" 1 ;"LEFT : Z"; 1 ;"IT IS VITAL YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE ROBOTS,AND KNOW OF THEIR EFFECTS AND CAPABILITIES." 1 ;"I FOR INSTRUCTIONS"; 1 ;"HOLD : H" 1 ;"DOWN : M"; 1 ;"C TO ALTER CONTROL" 1 ;">:=( ><;-" 1 ;"<,- <= .</(+ >:=( ><;-": 1 ;"<,- <= -:'( >:=( ><;-": 1 ;"%&'( <*(+" 1 ;" Press ANY KEY to cont. ": 1 ;" DISPLAY MODE " 1 ,-(x-49298 1 "NID.......","SMILER....","AXER......","THUMPER...","BOMBER....","POD.......","POWER MITE","KING......" 1 for KEYBOARD control" 1 for KEMPSTON JOYSTICK control"; 1 R to repeat the info file"'''" 1 C to cont" 1 WARNING:TRYING TO BREAK INTO THIS PROGRAM WHILE RUNNING OR LOADING WILL CAUSE THE 1 COMPUTER TO CRASH 1 ababababababababababababababababcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdab abcd aeeb ab ab cdab eefeaeebeeebaeebeeg abcd eeeleefeeefeeefeee cdab cdmnceedceedceedceei abcd cdab aeebhi ab abcd eefeabaeebeeg cdab eeeleeeefeee abcd cdmncdceedceei cdab abcd WRITTEN BY cdab abcd PATRICK RICHMOND 1983 cdab abcd cdababababababababababababababababcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd